Século XVII ao século XIX
Palmeira das Missões apenas começou a ter seu território delimitado e identificado em mapas a partir da criação do município de Cruz Alta, em 1833. Naquela época Palmeira era uma vilinha, costumeiramente identificada nos mapas como um "ponto".
Com a criação da Vila de Santo Antônio da Palmeira em 1874, a necessidade de organização e administração tanto do município, quanto da Província de São Pedro do Rio Grande do sul, exigiu mapas mais precisos. Assim, Palmeira das Missões ingressa no contexto cartográfico local e regional, principalmente no século XX.
Mas, antes mesmo da formação do pequeno núcleo urbano do início do século XIX, que daria origem ao município de Palmeira das Missões, este território já era conhecido por diversos personagens: populações nativas; padres jesuítas e índios missioneiros que vinham explorar os ricos ervais da região, militares espanhóis e portugueses e tropeiros. Muitos desses personagens elaboraram e deixaram registradas suas impressões de viagem e de estudo, em mapas que, desde o século XVII, demonstraram que o território do atual município de Palmeira das Missões, era conhecido e explorado, por razões e por pessoas diversas.

Itinerário parcial da viagem de Henrique Schutel Ambauer. Plano do Municipio de Cruz Alta na provincia de S. Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul! Foi levantado por indicações do Sr. D. Enrique Ambauer Schutel y desinhado por Adolfo Del Pieco [i]. Carta manuscrita digitalizada. Pertence ao acervo da Biblioteca da Societá Geografica Italiana, em Roma.
Dados do mapa, coletados no site indicado por Filho e Marchiorp:
Tipo de documento : Cartografia manuscrito
Título : * Plano do Município de Cruz Alta na província de S. Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul / foi levantado por do Indicações D. Enrique Ambauer Schutel.
Data de publicação : [18 ..]
Assunto : Cruz Alta - plantas topográficas
coordenadas geográficas : [escala indeterminável]
Localização : Biblioteca da Sociedade Geográfica italiano - Roma - IT-RM0238 ; Inventário: 21066; Mark: America R 14IIIC.13
Agência : Biblioteca da Sociedade Geográfica Italiana (SGI) - Roma
Projeto : Mapas SGI
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COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection Record.
Author: Kitchin, Thomas
Date: 1787
Short Title: Composite: South America
Publisher: Robert Sayer
Publisher Location: London
Type: Composite Map
Obj Height cm: 100
Obj Width cm: 118
Scale 1:7,900,000
Note: [...]. David Rumsey Collection copy mounted as 2 sheets. (W 103--W 20/N 13--S 56). Reference: P 4300; P-Maps, p. 802 (1772 and 1776 eds.)
World Area: South America
Region: Falkland Islands
Full Title: (Composite of) A map of South America, containing Tierra-Firma, Guyana, New Granada, Amazonia, Brasil, Peru, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili and Patagonia. From Mr. d'Anville with several improvements and additions, and the newest discoveries. London, printed for Robert Sayer, no. 53 Fleet Street, as the Act directs, July the 1st 1787.
List No: 0411.047
Page No: 34-35
Series No: 49
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COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection Record
Author: Martin de Moussy, V. (Victor), 1810-1869
Date: 1873
Short Title: Carte hist., Prov. des Missions, etabl. Jesuites, Parana et l'Uruguay, 1575- 1768.
Publisher: Firmin Didot Freres.
Publisher Location: Paris
Scale 1:1,870,000
Note: Lithographed map. Relief shown by hachures. Shows Native American tribes. "Description geographique et statistique de la Confederation Argentine. Atlas. Planche VI."
Full Title: Carte historique de la Province des Missions et des etablissements des Jesuites sur le Parana et l'Uruguay de 1575 a 1768. Par le Dr. V. Martin de Moussy 1865. Grave par L. Kautz, r. Bonaparte 82 - Paris. Paris - Imp. Lemercier, r. de Seine 57. (Paris Librairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie., 1873)
List nº: 0464.005
Page nº: pl. VI
Series nº: 19
Publication Author: Martin de Moussy, V. (Victor), 1810-1869
Pub. Date: 1873
Pub Reference: Phillips, 2731. Phillips. Maps of America, p. 122; Catalogue of maps of Hispanic America, v. 2, p. 30.
Pub. Note: This was the first atlas of Argentina. Phillips notes that this atlas accompanied three volumes of text of the same title, also published in 1873. [...]
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COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection Record
Author: Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832
Date: 1826
Short Title: Bresil.
Publisher: A. Brue
Publisher Location: Paris
Scale 1:9,700,000
Country: Brazil
Country: Paraguay
Full Title: Carte du Bresil et d'une partie des pays adjacents. Redigee par A. Brue, Geographe du Roi. Paris, 1826. Chez l'Auteur, rue des Macons-Sorbonne, no. 9, et chez les principaux m(archan)ds de cartes geographiques.
Pub Date: 1828
Pub Title: Atlas universel de geographie physique, politique, ancienne & moderne. Contenant les cartes generales et particulieres de toutes les parties du monde ... Dedie a l'Academie Royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France ... Seconde edition composee de soixante cinq feuilles. Par A. Brue, Geographe du Roi, membre de la Societe Philomatique, de la Commission centrale de la Societe Geographique &a. Paris, 1828. chez l'Auteur, rue des Macons Sorbonne, No. 9, & chez les principaux marchands de cartes geographiques. (with label) a Paris, Chez Chles. Picquet, Geographe, Quai de Conti pres le Pont des Arts No. 17.
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COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author: Bowen, Emanuel
Author: Gibson, John
Date: 1758
Short Title: Paraguay and Tucuman
Publisher: J. Newberry
Publisher Location: London
First edition. The "Historical Extracts" are short bits of text printed on the maps giving relevant geographical information. A revised edition was published in London in 1792. In 1759, another edition was published adding separate geographical descriptions and correcting some of the maps (see our copy). The Philadelphia 1798 edition by Mathew Carey incorporates the 1759 edition text word for word (excepting the maps of United States which Carey omits in favor of his pocket atlas of the U.S.). Gibson and Bowen made the four sheet map of North America (Stevens 49), and Gibson made the four sheet map of America (Stevens 3).
Full Title:
Paraguay And Tucuman. (to accompany) Atlas Minimus or a New Set of Pocket Maps of the Several Empires, Kingdoms and States of the Known World, with Historical Extracts relative to each. Drawn and Engraved by J. Gibson from the Best Authorities, Revis'd, Corrected and Improv'd by Eman: Bowen Geographer to His Majesty.
List No:
Pub Date: 1758
Pub Title: Atlas Minimus or a New Set of Pocket Maps of the Several Empires, Kingdoms and States of the Known World, with Historical Extracts relative to each. Drawn and Engraved by J. Gibson from the Best Authorities, Revis'd, Corrected and Improv'd by Eman: Bowen Geographer to His Majesty.
Pub Reference:
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COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author: Martin de Moussy, V. (Victor), 1810-1869
Date: 1873
Short Title: Carte, Prov. de Corrientes, Terr. des Missions, pays adjacents.
Publisher: Firmin Didot Freres.
Publisher Location: Paris
Note: Lithographed map. Relief shown by hachures. Shows Native American tribes. "Description geographique et statistique de la Confederation Argentine. Atlas. Planche VII."
Country: Argentina, Paraguay, Region: Corrientes (Argentina : Province), Region: Misiones (Argentina)
Subject: Indians
Full Title: Carte de la Province de Corrientes, du Territoire des Missions et des pays adjacents. Par le Dr. V. Martin de Moussy 1865. Grave par Kautz, r. Bonaparte 82 - Paris. Paris - Imp. Lemercier, r. de Seine 57. (Paris Librairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie., 1873)
Engraver or Printer: Kautz, L.
Engraver or Printer: Laine, Adolphe
Engraver or Printer: Lemercier et Cie.
Publication Author: Martin de Moussy, V. (Victor), 1810-1869
Pub Date: 1873
Pub Title: Description geographique et statistique de la Confederation Argentine par V. Martin de Moussy ... Deuxieme edition atlas. Paris Librairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie. Imprimeurs de l'Institut, Rue Jacob, 56. 1873. Imprimerie Adolphe Laine, Rue des Saints-Peres, 19.
Pub Reference:
Phillips, 2731. Phillips. Maps of America, p. 122; Catalogue of maps of Hispanic America, v. 2, p. 30.
Pub Note:
This was the first atlas of Argentina. Phillips notes that this atlas accompanied three volumes of text of the same title, also published in 1873. Phillips does not note this second edition of the same date as the first, adding one map. Martin de Moussy was unable to finish the atlas because of illness and it was completed by L. Bouvet. A beautifully engraved title page precedes the full title page and reads "Atlas de la Confederation Argentine. Bachelier Lith. Gve. Sanier, del. Imp. Lemercier & Cie. Paris." Most of the maps are without color; a few are hand painted in full color. Atlas is bound in quarter leather black cloth covered boards with "Atlas de la Confederation Argentine" stamped in gold on the front; spine is embossed with title "M. De Moussy. Description de la Confederation Argentine. Atlas."
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COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author: Martin de Moussy, V. (Victor), 1810-1869
Date: 1873
Short Title: Carte du Grand Chaco et contrees voisines.
Publisher: Firmin Didot Freres.
Publisher Location: Paris
Scale 1: 3,750,000
Note: Lithographed map. Relief shown by hachures. Shows Native American tribes. "Description geographique et statistique de la Confederation Argentine. Atlas. Planche XVIII."
Full Title:
Carte du Grand Chaco (Territoire Indien du Nord) et des contrees voisines. Pour servir a l'Histoire du Bassin de la Plata de 1520 a 1865. Par le Dr. V. Martin de Moussy 1865. Grave par L. Kautz, r. Bonaparte 82 - Paris. Paris - Imp. Lemercier, r. de Seine 57. (Paris Librairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie., 1873)
List No:
Engraver or Printer: Kautz, L.
Engraver or Printer: Laine, Adolphe
Engraver or Printer: Lemercier et Cie.
Publication Author: Martin de Moussy, V. (Victor), 1810-1869
Pub Date: 1873
Pub Title: Description geographique et statistique de la Confederation Argentine par V. Martin de Moussy ... Deuxieme edition atlas. Paris Librairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie. Imprimeurs de l'Institut, Rue Jacob, 56. 1873. Imprimerie Adolphe Laine, Rue des Saints-Peres, 19.
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COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author: Lattre, Jean, 1743 -1793
Author: L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726
Author: Buache, Philippe
Date: 1703
Short Title: Carte du Paraguay, du Chili, du Detroit de Magellan &c.
Publisher: Chez Lattre
Publisher Location: Paris
Scale 1: 9,300,000
Note: Engraved outlined hand color map. Includes place names, and ornamental title cartouche. Relief shown pictorially.
World Area: South America
Country: Paraguay
Country: Chile
Country: Argentina
Full Title: Carte du Paraguay, du Chili, du Detroit de Magellan &c. Dressée sur les Descriptions des P. P. Alfonse d'Ovalle, et Nicolas Techo et sur les Relations et memoires de Brouwer, Narbouroug, Mr. de Beauchesne & Par Guillaume De L'Isle ... 1703. Gravee par Liebaux le fils ... C. Simonneau inv. et fecit. Ph. Buache P.G.d.R. d. l'A. R.d.S. Gendre de l'Auteur. Avec Privilege du 30 Av. 1745. (to accompany) Atlas Geographique contenant la Mappemonde et les quatre parties, avec les differents Etats, avec apprpbation & privilage du Roy MDCC.LXIII (1763).
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COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author: Colton, G.W.
Date: 1879
Short Title: Argentine Republic, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Patagonia, etc.
Publisher: G.W. & C.B. Colton
Publisher Location: New York
Scale 1: 6,000,000
Country: Argentina
Country: Chile
Country: Uruguay
Country: Paraguay
Region: Patagonia
Full Title: Colton's Argentine Republic, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Patagonia, etc. (inset) Southern Portion of the Peninsula de Patagonia.
Pub Date: 1880
Pub Title:
Colton's General Atlas Of The World, Containing Two Hundred And Twelve Maps And Plans, On One Hundred And Forty-Two Imperial Folio Sheets, Drawn By G. Woolworth Colton. Accompanied By Geographical, Statistical, And Historical Letter-Press Descriptions. New York: G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co., No. 172 William Street. 1880. Entered ... 1876, By G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co. ... Washington.

COLLECTION: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author: Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain)
Date: 1837
Short Title: S. Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay.
Publisher: Chapman and Hall
Publisher Location: London
Scale 1: 6,630,000
Note: Engraved map. Relief shown by hachures. Boundaries hand col. Sources: Spis & Martius, Cazal, Roussin, Barral, Parchappe &c. David Rumsey Collection copy incorrectly bound in atlas as no. 152 (should be 151)
World Area: South America
Country: Brazil
Country: Paraguay
Full Title: South America sheet III. South Brazil with Paraguay and Uruguay. Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Engraved by J. & C. Walker. London, published by Baldwin & Cradock, 47 Paternoster Row, June 1st, 1837. (London: Chapman & Hall, 1844)
Pub Title:
Maps of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Vol. 1. London: Chapman and Hall, 186, Strand, 1844.

COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author: Picquet, Chles.
Author: Brue
Date: 1836
Short Title: Carte du Bresil.
Publisher: Chez J. Andriveau-Goujon
Scale 1: 9,800,000
Note: Foldout tab.
Country: Brazil
Country: Uruguay
Country: Paraguay
Full Title: Carte du Bresil.
Pub Note:
This atlas was published in many compilations over a thirty year period. It was indeed an atlas of "choice" of the publisher and as such consists of a wide variety of maps that Andriveau-Goujon favored to include at the time. It consists of ancient and modern geographical maps, engraved and hand colored. Date estimated; based on newest map sheet in atlas, 1854.
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COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author: Ogilby, John, 1600-1676
Author: Montanus, Arnoldus, 1625?-1683
Date: 1671
Short Title: Paraquaria Vulgo Paraguay Cum adjacentibus.
Publisher: Ogilby, John
Publisher Location: London
Scale 1: 8,500,000
Reference: Burton, Philip D., 2007, The Mapping of North America II. A List of Printed Maps 1671-1700; Cumming, Southeast in Early Maps 70.
Country: Brazil
Country: Paraguay
Region: Rio de la Plata (Brazil)
Full Title: Paraquaria Vulgo Paraguay Cum adjacentibus.
Pub Title:
America: Being The Latest, And Most accurate Description Of The New World; Containing The Original of the Inhabitants, and the Remarkable Voyages thither. The Conquest of the Vast Empires of Mexico and Peru, And Other Large Provinces and Territories ... Collected from the most Authentick Authors, Augmented with later Observations, and Adorn'd with Maps and Sculptures, by John Ogilby, esq; His Majesty's Cosmographer, Geographick Printer, and Master of the Revels in the Kingdom of Ireland. London, Printed by the Author, and are to be had at his House in White Fryers, M.DC.LXXI.
Disponível em: Paraquaria Vulgo Paraguay Cum adjacentibus. (

COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author: Martin de Moussy, V. (Victor), 1810-1869
Date: 1873
Short Title: Carte, Prov. de Corrientes, Terr. des Missions, pays adjacents.
Publisher: Firmin Didot Freres.
Publisher Location: Paris
Scale 1: 1,850,000
Country: Argentina
Country: Paraguay
Region: Corrientes (Argentina : Province)
Region: Misiones (Argentina)
Subject: Indians
Full Title:
Carte de la Province de Corrientes, du Territoire des Missions et des pays adjacents. Par le Dr. V. Martin de Moussy 1865. Grave par Kautz, r. Bonaparte 82 - Paris. Paris - Imp. Lemercier, r. de Seine 57. (Paris Librairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie., 1873)
Pub Title: Description geographique et statistique de la Confederation Argentine par V. Martin de Moussy ... Deuxieme edition atlas. Paris Librairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie. Imprimeurs de l'Institut, Rue Jacob, 56. 1873. Imprimerie Adolphe Laine, Rue des Saints-Peres, 19.
Pub Reference:
Phillips, 2731. Phillips. Maps of America, p. 122; Catalogue of maps of Hispanic America, v. 2, p. 30.
Pub Note: This was the first atlas of Argentina. Phillips notes that this atlas accompanied three volumes of text of the same title, also published in 1873. Phillips does not note this second edition of the same date as the first, adding one map. Martin de Moussy was unable to finish the atlas because of illness and it was completed by L. Bouvet. A beautifully engraved title page precedes the full title page and reads "Atlas de la Confederation Argentine. Bachelier Lith. Gve. Sanier, del. Imp. Lemercier & Cie. Paris." Most of the maps are without color; a few are hand painted in full color. Atlas is bound in quarter leather black cloth covered boards with "Atlas de la Confederation Argentine" stamped in gold on the front; spine is embossed with title "M. De Moussy. Description de la Confederation Argentine. Atlas."
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COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author: Bourquin, Frederick
Author: Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Author: Tanner, Henry S.
Date: 1848
Short Title: Chili, La Plata, and Uruguay.
Publisher: S. Augustus Mitchell.
Publisher Location: Philadelphia
Scale 1: 7,380,000
Note: Lithographed. Relief shown with hachures. Inset of South Part of Patagonia (Cape Horn). Names regions occupied by native tribes.
Reference: Ristow p. 311 (award actually received in 1848).
Country: Argentina
Country: Chile
Full Title: Chili, La Plata, and Uruguay. 42. (1848)
Pub Title: A New Universal Atlas Containing Maps of the various Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics Of The World. With a special map of each of the United States, Plans of Cities &c. Comprehended in seventy sheets and forming a series of One Hundred And Seventeen Maps, Plans And Sections ... Philadelphia, Published By S. Augustus Mitchell, N.E. corner of Market & 7th Streets. Entered ... 1844, by Carey & Hart ... Pennsylvania. (title page by) J. Knight Sc. Barralet del. Humphreys sc.
Pub Reference:
Ristow p. 311 (award actually received in 1848).
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COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author: Arrowsmith, John
Date: 1834
Short Title: United Provinces of La Plata, Banda Oriental, Chile.
Publisher: John Arrowsmith
Publisher Location: London
Scale 1: 4,350,000
Cf P-Maps 121 (1842 ed.)
World Area: South America
Country: Argentina
Country: Chile
Full Title: This map of the United Provinces of La Plata, the Banda Oriental, & Chile, is drawn principally from M.S.S. furnished by Woodbine Parish, Esqr., F.R.S., many years H.M. Consul General & Charge d'Affaires at Buenos Ayres, to whom it is dedicated by his obliged servant J. Arrowsmith. London, pubd. 15 Feby. 1834 by J. Arrowsmith, 35 Essex Street, Strand.
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COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author: Martin de Moussy, V. (Victor), 1810-1869
Date: 1873
Short Title: Carte physique de la Confederation Argentine.
Publisher: Firmin Didot Freres.
Publisher Location: Paris
Scale 1: 5,650,000
Note: Lithographed map. Geologic units hand col. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Shows also locations of flora, fauna and mineral deposits. Covers northern portion of country (from 420 north). "Description geographique et statistique de la Confederation Argentine. Atlas. Planche XX."
Country: Argentina
Subject: Geology
Subject: Physical
Full Title: Carte physique de la Confederation Argentine pour faire suite aux travaux de Mr. V. Martin de Moussy, 1869. Grave par L. Kautz, r. Bonaparte 82, Paris. Paris, Imp. Lemercier et Cie., r. de Seine 57. (Paris Librairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie., 1873)
Pub Title:
Description geographique et statistique de la Confederation Argentine par V. Martin de Moussy ... Deuxieme edition atlas. Paris Librairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie. Imprimeurs de l'Institut, Rue Jacob, 56. 1873. Imprimerie Adolphe Laine, Rue des Saints-Peres, 19.
Pub Reference:
Phillips, 2731. Phillips. Maps of America, p. 122; Catalogue of maps of Hispanic America, v. 2, p. 30.
Pub Note:
This was the first atlas of Argentina. Phillips notes that this atlas accompanied three volumes of text of the same title, also published in 1873. Phillips does not note this second edition of the same date as the first, adding one map. Martin de Moussy was unable to finish the atlas because of illness and it was completed by L. Bouvet. A beautifully engraved title page precedes the full title page and reads "Atlas de la Confederation Argentine. Bachelier Lith. Gve. Sanier, del. Imp. Lemercier & Cie. Paris." Most of the maps are without color; a few are hand painted in full color. Atlas is bound in quarter leather black cloth covered boards with "Atlas de la Confederation Argentine" stamped in gold on the front; spine is embossed with title "M. De Moussy. Description de la Confederation Argentine. Atlas."

COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author: Martin de Moussy, V. (Victor), 1810-1869
Date: 1873
Short Title: Carte de la Confederation Argentine.
Publisher: Firmin Didot Freres.
Publisher Location: Paris
Scale 1: 5,600,000
Note: Lithographed map. Relief shown by hachures. Shows Native American tribes. "Description geographique et statistique de la Confederation Argentine. Atlas. Planche V."
World Area: South America
Country: Argentina
Country: Uruguay
Subject: Indians
Full Title:
Carte de la Confederation Argentine divisee en ses differentes provinces et territoires et des pays voisins: Etat Oriental de l'Uruguay, Paraguay, partie du Bresil et de la Bolivie, Chili. Par le Dr. V. Martin de Moussy 1867. Grave par L. Kautz, r. Bonaparte 82 Paris. Paris - Imp. Lemercier, r. de Seine 57. (Paris Librairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie., 1873)
Pub Date: 1873
Pub Title: Description geographique et statistique de la Confederation Argentine par V. Martin de Moussy ... Deuxieme edition atlas. Paris Librairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie. Imprimeurs de l'Institut, Rue Jacob, 56. 1873. Imprimerie Adolphe Laine, Rue des Saints-Peres, 19.
Pub Reference:
Phillips, 2731. Phillips. Maps of America, p. 122; Catalogue of maps of Hispanic America, v. 2, p. 30.
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COLLECTION NAME:David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author:Arrowsmith, John
Author:Parish, Woodbine
Date: 1844
Short Title: Provinces of La Plata, The Banda Oriental del Uruguay and Chile.
Publisher: John Arrowsmith
Publisher Location: London
Scale 1: 4,435,200
Note: In outline color.
None found - see Streeter Texas 1373A, Wheat 451, Martin & Martin 32 for the Texas map.
Country: Chile
Country: Uruguay
Full Title: The Provinces of La Plata, The Banda Oriental del Uruguay and Chile, Chiefly from M.S. documents by Sir Woodbine Parish, K.C.H. Late H.M. Charge d'Affaires &c. at Buenos Ayres. by J. Arrowsmith. (with) map of the lower tip of Patagonia. (Map) 50. London, Pubd. 4th June 1842, by J. Arrowsmith, 10 Soho Square.
Pub Date: 1844
Pub Title: The London Atlas of Universal Geography, Exhibiting the Physical & Political Divisions of the Various Countries of the World, Constructed from Original Materials. Is most respectfully dedicated to his venerable Friend John Middleton Esqr. As a testimony of Gratitude and Esteem, By his much Obliged & Humble Servant, John Arrowsmith, F.R.G.S & R.A.S. 40 Soho Square, London. London, Pubd. by J. Arrowsmith, 10 Soho Square 1842.

COLLECTION NAME: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author: Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d, 1697-1782
Date: 1748
Short Title: (Amerique Meridionale. Central section)
Publisher: J.B.B. D'Anville.
Publisher Location: Paris
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Harvard University, Harvard Map Collection, G5400_1870_A7
Scale: 1 : 7700000
Creator: Arrowsmith, John, 1790-1873
Publisher: August R. Ohman
More in the catalog or in the website
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Barry Lawrence Ruderman. antique Maps. Inc.
Johann Michael Probst
Title: Paraquariae Provinciae Soc. Iesu Cum Adiacentibus Novissima Descriptio Post iteratas peregrinationes et plures observationes Patrum Missionariorum . . .
Publication Place / Date
Augsburg / 1750 circa
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Barry Lawrence Ruderman. antique Maps. Inc.
Carta Esferica de la Confederacion Argentina y de las Republicas del Uruguay y del Paraguay que comprende los Reconocimientos practicados por las Primeros y Segundas Subdivisions Españolas y Portuguesas del mando de los Señores Don Jose Varlea y Ulloa (Comisario Pral. Diror.) Don Diego de Albear, el Teniente General Lucitano Sebastian Xavier da Vega Cabrad da Camara, y el Coronel Francisco Juan Roscio, en Cumplimento del Tratado Preliminar de Limites de 11 de Ocubre de 1777. . . .
Publication Place / Date: Paris / 1853
Disponível em:

Barry Lawrence Ruderman. antique Maps. Inc.
Grégoire Gaspard Félix Coffinières
Title: Carte générale du Bassin de la Plata, dressée d'après les documents recueillis sur les lieux, et les meilleurs plans partiels de cette contrée par M.Coffinières, Lt. Cnel. du Génie Montevideo 1850 -- Gravee au Depot de la Guerre publiee en 1853 (with 3 page manuscript Description of the "Peninsule de l'Aguaqey").
Publication Place / Date:Paris / 1853
Disponível em:

Barry Lawrence Ruderman. antique Maps. Inc.
Title: Carta Geographica Do Estado Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul Organisada pelo Major de Artilaria João Cândido Jacques . . . .
Publication Place / Date: Porto Alegre / 1891
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